oflutter icon button tips and tricks 2023

Flutter: IconButton Widget – Tips and Tricks 2023

In this article, we are going to talk about IconButton and its tips and tricks. Before we begin, let’s identify the IconButton() widget, and why you should use it. The…

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Oflutter SliverGeometry is not valid

[SOLVED]: SliverGeometry is not valid: The “layoutExtent” exceeds the “paintExtent”.

While working with SliverPersistentHeaderDelegate and using custom animation, you might get an error: SliverGeometry is not valid: The “layoutExtent” exceeds the “paintExtent”. The relevant error-causing widget was CustomScrollView This is…

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Oflutter: Flutter Color Hex

Flutter: Color () with Hexadecimal

While styling the flutter application, you may be used to Color .fromRGBO(), however, the commonly used approach in higher-level development is hexadecimal since most of the design’s colors are made…

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Flutter GetX Simple Named Routing Navigation

Flutter: GetX Simple Named Route Navigation 2022

When you develop an app, routing navigation is one of the most travail questions that many new developers search for. Not only routing in the app has to be simple…

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Oflutter Private Constructor

Flutter: What is MyClass_.() ? aka Private Constructor 2022

While reading some Flutter blogs or watching Flutter tutorials, you might see that some developers are using _.() aks private constructor after creating a Class. And you might be wondering…

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