Flutter Material 3 - How to Use Custom Colors

Flutter – Material 3: How to Use Custom Colors?

Hello Flutter developers, in this article, we are going to learn how to use custom colors using Material 3 (M3). Since M3 was announced, people have started asking many questions…

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Oflutter SliverGeometry is not valid

[SOLVED]: SliverGeometry is not valid: The “layoutExtent” exceeds the “paintExtent”.

While working with SliverPersistentHeaderDelegate and using custom animation, you might get an error: SliverGeometry is not valid: The “layoutExtent” exceeds the “paintExtent”. The relevant error-causing widget was CustomScrollView This is…

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Oflutter Private Constructor

Flutter: What is MyClass_.() ? aka Private Constructor 2022

While reading some Flutter blogs or watching Flutter tutorials, you might see that some developers are using _.() aks private constructor after creating a Class. And you might be wondering…

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oflutter.com - update value in the list

Flutter: How to Update Specific Value in a List

In this quick tutorial, I will show you how to update a value in a list using a dart programming language. Unfortunately, there is no method update() in the list, so we have…

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